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Mk1 Jetta - All MOT'ed and on the Road

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 11:34 am
by monzadave
Though I might as well start this off.

Once upon a time I bough a rather rough looking Mk1 Jetta off a nice lad called Chrizzzzzzzzz. He was local and I thought he looked like he could be trusted, so I purchased it for the grand total of five hundred English pounds,

The car was in a bit of a state after being sat on a driveway for 4 years, but there were repair panels to fix the rust and the promise of some fun Mk1 motoring in the future, so all seemed well.

The idea initially was to get the rust repaired, keep the 1.3 after a service and MOT and drive. That was back in 2013 when we were all young and stupid. The issue started when I met a man named Dave and he suggested that I make the most of the opportunity to repair and repaint the old girl. So, being pursuaded to give it a go, 10 years and many thousands of pounds later, we have the below.

The lesson is, don't listen to anyone and do what you want. It's your car and it's only money :D

MOT day



Re: Mk1 Jetta - All MOT'ed and on the Road

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 10:24 am
by Chris16v
Don't know who this 'Chriz' guy is.. but thats one smart looking Jetta :) I want to see the process David!
PS.. I hear this came 2nd place in the slowest build off?